Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Package from Spain to Poland

This is a video about some things that Spain´s pupils sent by postmail to Poland´s pupils.

Package from Spain to Czech Republic

This is a video about some things that Spain´s pupils sent by postmail to Czech Republic´s pupils.

"Semana Santa" (Easter in Seville)

“Semana Santa” (Holy Week/easter) has been one of the most important celebrations in Seville for centuries. In the eight days of "Semana Santa", a total of 57 brotherhoods, carry their 116 floats from their church to the Cathedral and back, in the company of around 60.000 brothers.

Here you have a video about Easter in Seville.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Swimming coin

Experiment from Ania&Andriej

To our experiment we need a bowl of water and a coin. We want to show you that mettalic coin can hang on the water surface. We put the coin onto the water.
Why it doesn't sink like majority of mettalic things?
It doesn't sink, because cohesion force is big enough to keep the coin on the water surface.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Stripping the egg without touching it

I pour vinegar into a glass and put inside an uncooked egg. After 24 hours I take out this egg. We can see, that this egg hasn't got a shell now and is soft. It is bouncing now.
A calcium is in the egg’s shell. (there is a calcium carbonate, witch makes, that the shell is hard and brittle at the same time). Under the influence of vinegar formed compound and calcium is washed. So vinegar reacts with the calcium- vinegar dissolves calcium. On the egg remains only a membrane, witch the vinegar doesn’t dissolve.

by Żaneta&Kinga

Thursday, March 11, 2010

An Andalusia TV channel visits our school

An Andalusia TV channel ("Canal Sur") visits our school to know our project.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Paper chromatography

Paper chromatography is an analytical chemistry technique for separating and identifying mixtures that are or can be coloured, especially pigments. This can also be used in secondary or primary colours in ink experiments.
To make our experiment we need paper, some colored ink, a glass of water, salt and alcohol.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

HOMEMADE FIRE EXTINGUER (Un extintor casero)

Our experiment is called: Homemade fire extinguisher.

The materials we need are:
-Bicarbonate of sodium
-A glass
-A candle

Place in a glass a bit of vinegar, three or four centimetres
Add a little bicarbonate of sodium,many bubbles appear.
If we light a match and put it in the glass, it will be put out instantaneously.
If we incline the glass on a candle,without spilling the vinegar, we will see that the candle is put out.

The chemical reaction between the bicarbonate of sodium and the acid of the vinegar produces a gas called dioxide of carbon.
This gas weights more than the air so that it remains in the glass displacing the contained air in the glass.When putting the match in the glass it is put out, due to the lack of oxygen (necessary for the combustion)
When we incline the glass on a candle this is put out because the dioxide of carbon falling on the candle displaces the oxigen that maintains the combustion.

En español:
Nuestro experimento se llama un Extintor casero.
Los materiales que nosotros necesitamos son:
-bicarbonato de sodio

-un vaso
-una vela

Coloca en un vaso un poco de vinagre (tres o cuatro centímetros )
Añadimos un poco de bicarbonato de sodio. Muchas burbujas aparecen
Si metemos una cerilla encendida en el vaso se apagara al instante.
Cuando nosotros inclinamos el vaso sin derramar vinagre,nosotros podremos ver que la vela se apaga.

La reacción química entre el bicarbonato de sodio y el ácido del vinagre produce un gas llamado dióxido de carbono.
Este gas es mas pesado que el aire por lo que permanece en el vaso desplazando el aire contenido en el vaso. Al meter la cerilla en el vaso se apaga por la falta de oxígeno(necesario para la combustión)
Cuando nosotros inclinamos el vaso sobre la vela, esta se apaga porque el dióxido de carbono cae sobre la vela desplazando el oxígeno que mantiene la combustión.

Marta y Pilar

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spanish TV channel visits our school

Spanish TV channel visits our center to record a program on etwinning. Here you can see a "making off".